Adara, Embodiment Of Hope

Other by Dramus on  Mar 09, 2011

In Fearfull Day, In Raging Night.

With Strong Hearts Full, Our Souls Ignite.

When All Seems Lost In The War Of Light.

Look To The Stars, For Hope Burns Bright!


Next we have the Blue Lanters who are powered by the emotion "Hope. Blue lanterns are by far the most powerfull Lanterns in all existance, but at the same time the weakest. A lone Blue Lantern is of average power if not less when compared to the other lanterns, However if you put a Green Lantern next to them their Blue Power Rings become insanely strong. Strong enough to force a huge about to explode sun to get 8 or so billion years younger. Reason for the jump in strength is because the Will power of the Green Lantern Ring powers up the Hope factor of the blue...after all, What good is having Hope, if you lack the will power to act upon it.


So that means 4 Oaths down...and it seems that the Indigo Lanterns who wield the power of compasion, will have to be skipped...its ritten in some odd language that no one knows how to read so ill skip compasion all together :P Which means our next victim is....The Star Saphires or Violet Lanters if you will. They Represent looovveee.

Tomas Velez

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