Back from the Dead
Other by FetusZero on Feb 19, 2011
My artifical death was pleasant, I must say. Hey there people from NoobFeed, long time no see! Yep, it's me, Fetus, back on NF after a very long absence. You may call this one "The Disappearance of Fetus Zero" although Haruhi Suzumiya probably held the title with more popularity than I did though, but that's only a minor detail. Once more though, grab a coffee, a tea (I've been drinking tea lately as well as coffee), a bowl of chips, food, a tent and sleeping bag and read on.
This is Haruhi Suzumiya, for those who may not know.
I'm here to speak about my status as of the moment, where I was, what I've been doing and of course, all of this with videos, a lot of them. Why so many? Because despite my disappearance, I still found the time to make some videos every now and then, though most of them aren't game related but rather reflect some of the hobbies I have gathered throughout this long break.
To begin with, I want to make sure that the following is clear and understood of everyone: I might be back, but definitely not on a daily basis. It's more of a "every now and then" situation because yes, I do miss the people on here and I did not leave to never come back, but rather to do other stuff. What kind of other stuff? Many things.. or not, such as gaining my evenings back, gaming, getting checked up for my health, creating some sorts of equalizers with the system animator gadget, making hundreds of wallpapers for my desktops, working, eating, spending time outside walking while listening to music, etc. Nothing big really, but I must admit that in the last days where I was active, NoobFeed truly had grown and reading everyone's blogs as well as replying to every comments ate up a very large amount of my time in the evenings after work, sometimes leaving me barely enough time for myself and my other activities.
However, I do not want to leave forever, at least not yet, and so I decided to start slowly and make a first come back with possible come backs at a later time, no date given. I come back but when I feel like it, rather than coming back because I have to, which has never been the case but that's how I felt about this place after a awhile, that I simply had to come back everyday. What I want is to just be a regular user around, doing stuff for myself and my friends on here rather than do stuff for the site itself. I'm not against getting NoobFeed out there, as I've been doing so everytime I had the chance to even during my seemingly never-ending break, but what I mean through this is videos, for example, videos which I did not do for my own purpose anymore but rather did them for the site and I found out that such things just aren't meant for someone like me.
That doesn't go to say I will not make anymore videos for my blog, but rather goes on to say that they won't be specifically aimed for the site itself to use. I have absolutely nothing against the fact that NoobFeed may want to use my videos at some point and if that is the case, please just send me a message and we'll get it going, I'll do trick of adding the stuff if needed and after that I'll gladly share it with the site for them to use to one single exception: Touhou Project videos. Why is this? ZUN, the creator of Touhou, has strict guidelines when it comes to derived works and does not have any wish of seeing the franchise becoming commercial. He wants to make sure it stays a doujin work and I will honor his wishes, although I find that he is a little bit careless with that since the guy would be a billionaire if he commercialised it.
A bunch of Touhou characters fighting in the night sky.
With all of this out of the way, I've been doing quite a lot of gaming throughout my break such as Dead Space 2, Alan Wake, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky, Assassin's Creed II, and more. However since this turns out to be a lot of titles, I'll only let you in on the most recent title I have acquired directly from Japan for X360: Mushihimesama Futari V1.5. Mushihimesama is known throughout the world among Danmaku fans, or bullet hell shooters, as the hardest title to have ever lived. I believe it is also considered the hardest game ever all genres combined, as nobody in the world ever completed the hardest difficulty setting known as "Ultra" without using a continue at the final boss. It might have been achieved, but to the best of my knowledge, it never happened yet. It did happen in the Black Label version on "God" mode, which has been said to be easier than "Ultra", and unfrotunately the only video out there which states that someone managed the final boss on "Ultra" without using continues is mislabeled and is actually a video of the game on "God" mode in Black Label, not Version 1.5.
The box art of Mushihimesama Futari on Xbox 360.
The game was released by CAVE, a popular developer/publisher among fans of the genres, and is fortunately region free. Since it only came out in Japan, the game being region free means that it will play in console sfrom any region without worrying about it being locked to Japanese consonles only. The X360 version of the game contains the 1.5 and Arrange versions, both of which contain an "Original" mode and an "X360" mode, totalling 4 modes in total. CAVE released a Black Label mode as downloadable content and they were smart enough to make the DLC itself region free, and thanks to this, I was able to also acquire the DLC on the regular Marketplace in Canada. I would love toshare one of my videos with you guys (and girls) on the game, but unfortunately I still never bought my capture card due to my rather poor financial status.. ok nevermind that, I never bought it because I spend too much money in Animes and video games. However, here's the trailer for the game:
Mushihimesama Futari v1.5 Trailer
And just for your pleasure, the reason as to why this game is considered the hardest in the world:
Mushihimesama Futari v1.5 Final Boss on Ultra difficulty
Now that's pretty much all I have to say for the first come back blog in a long time. With all of that, I ask that you guys leave your questions, comments, answers, replies, anything else in the comments below or send me a message, I will try to get back to every messages and comments I receive, if any. Also please be aware that in my profile information, I have listed my PS3, X360 and Steam usernames so people can keep in contact with me if desired. If you want an e-mail for Windows Live Messenger or something, either find out my e-mail or simply ask me, I will provide it to you people.
Please be aware that I will not, for now, comment on the most recent blogs written, I'll eye things out here and there and I'll start commenting on the next batch of blogs, but since I will be here on limited availability, please don't be worry if I don't comment on a blog every now and then, or if I take a long time to reply to comments, etc.
With this done and over with, I leave you people with some videos I have uploaded during my long, ever lasting artifical death. Thanks for reading, and opefully, see you all later!
A.R.E.S.: Extinction Agenda - Stage 3 mid-boss
La Soeur de Barrage - Stage 1 (Normal)
System Animator: Flandre Scarlet
Touhou Bad Apple Screensaver (I'm really proud of my screensaver. Note though that I did not make it, I have no idea how to make a screensaver.)
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