Battlefield 4 and Mirror's Edge 2
News by Grayshadow on Jun 10, 2013
Battlefield 4 Patrick Bach, executive producer, came out to talk about Levolution and teamwork play. Commander mode will make return, allowing this player to give other players supplies and coordinate their allies. Using other devices commanders can communicate with allies with ease.
A live demo of 64 players playing Siege of Shanghai on domination. With a squad of five teammates the teams traveled through the destructible environment to complete your objective. The players played through this scripted event highlighting air, land, and sea as well as commander mode. The sheer scale of the field itself is absolutely insane, especially during the end when an entire building simply collapses. It's clear that Battlefield 4 will be larger than Battlefield 3 in every way.
Mirror's Edge 2 was announced as well, something people have wanted for a long time. A full CGI trailer highlighting Faith's extraordinary parkour and combat skill, as well as her new look.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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