Bethesda Press Conference Overview

Everything shown at Bethesda's conference in one article

 by Grayshadow on  Jun 15, 2015

Today at Bethesda’s first ever E3 press conference just aired and the intensity of all the games coming from this acclaimed developer, and publisher, is too much to contain in one article. However we’ll try to condense all the information into one article, hopefully nothing explodes.

Pete Hines took the stage first to open Bethesda’s first E3 showcase. After thanking for everyone for attending within the Adobe Theater and online DOOM was shown, with Executive Producer of id, Marty Stratton, taking the stage.


DOOM takes place on a new facility where the player has been recalled to kill demons. Sounds easy, not really unless you’re totting an awesome shotgun. Fortunately you won’t just have a shotgun but the ability to double jump and vicious melee enemies that removes heads and hearts.

It’s no doubt that DOOM looks impressive, with blood shining on the ground, hallways covered in demons and glowing forge. It’s clear that the developers want DOOM to retain the fast combat gameplay of the original games, with health and ammo dropped from killed enemies that are immediately picked up by the player. Expect a lot of interesting speed runs when the game releases. 

A shotgun is great but you’ll have other weapons at your disposal. A heavy assault rifle that shoots in burst, a plasmas gun and the most deadly of them all the chainsaw. And yes the developers have included special killing animations for this weapon.

The enemies are your standard demons. Unarmored creatures are quick and use range attacks, armored enemies are slow but dish out more damage and zombies are cannon fodder. A new foe, which I call the Goliath, is strong and very deadly but never shown. After fighting a few more demons the player was finally killed by a Revenant, with the avatar’s arms ripped off and his face smashed.

Afterwards multiplayer was discussed and shown. A sneak peek highlighting the intense combat arenas players will fight in. Avatars wear bright armor, can collect deadly powers littered on the field, one which allows the player to become a Revenant, and incredible weapons. Bethesda promises to reveal more information about multiplayer later.

It wasn’t over, more DOOM was revealed. A horde mode was shown and commerce system that allows players to purchase new items and upgrades. A new community called DOOM: Snapmap was shown, allowing players to create maps and game modes and share their content to others. 

This time we finally get to see Hell, and it was amazing. Chains, dust and dead bodies littered the screen as the player gripped his shotgun, ready to face the demons that live in this place. Eight weapons were revealed in the quick select screen, this time a chaingun , mini-gun and rocket launcher were revealed as the player faced against multiple demons included a new type. A bloated creature with two arm-cannons and a rematch with the Revenant. The demo ended with a the player going against a giant Demon with the BFG gun. DOOM is set to release on Spring 2015 for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

Bethesda.Net was shown to support DOOM: Snapmap and is currently being used on The Elder Scrolls Online. This all-in-one site will include a robust community and unite Bethesda gamers.


Battlecry was next to take the stage. Luca Davis took the screen to explain that the Battlecry beta will begin next year and beta signups have started. Those who signup will receive exclusive bonus.

A short demo showcasing the various classes was shown. The Brawler, enforcer, Infiltrator, Ranger and Gagetteer were shown as the playable cast of characters.

Dishonored 2

Next came Harvey Smith and Raphael Colantonio, thanking fans for supporting Dishonored. Afterwards the rumors were finally put to rest and Dishonored 2 was confirmed via a teaser trailer.

This trailer, narrated by the Outsider, showcased a plague invested city and a new protagonist. Someone gifted with the Mark of the Outsider climbs and sneaks into a home of a wealthy individual armed with a crossbow. A young girl named Emily takes aim at her target only to be attacked by mechanical sentinels. Armed with a trip mine she eliminates the robot and uses her abilities to kill her target by swooping through the shadows and butchering the crying man.

With a new land and two playable characters, Emily and Corvo, Dishonored 2 seems to be bigger and more demanding than the first game. Each character will have their unique set of skills and weapons but how their actions will effect the other character waits to be seen. Dishonored is set to release on PC, Xbox One and PS4. Those who cannot wait can play the Dishonored: Definitive Edition this fall for Xbox One, PS4 and PC when it launches this fall.

The Elder Scrolls Legends

A new strategy card game called The Elder Scrolls Legends was shown. Bringing the world of The Elder Scrolls to a card game, players will create decks using their favorite characters from Bethesda’s beloved universe. It’ll release as a free-to-play on PC and iPad soon, no specific date was given.

Fallout 4

Bethesda saved the best for last, Fallout 4. Todd Howard stood on stage, explaining that four years of development went into Fallout 4 to ensure that no detail was spared. Concept art showcasing desolate highways, humans, mutants, coastal beaches and destroyed homes were scattered on the screen before we were greeted with any footage.

Starting before the bombs fell, you create your character on a sunny Saturday afternoon as your wife, or husband, watches; and whomever you choose is fully voiced. After selecting your character a baby is generated based on your options before being greeted by your robotic friend, ready to drink your Nukacola and eat your Sugarbombs.

A doorbell rings and Vault Tech salesman discusses your a vault spot, ensuring you’ll survive if nuclear war happens in Vault Tech’s Vault. It’s here that you select your basic skills and attributes. It isn’t long before a news report airs about nuclear bombs falling and an escaped plan is put into effect. You survive and awake 200 years later as the only survivor of Vault 111, the first look at the world of Boston.

Player freedom remains, go where you want. The destroyed landscape is littered with skinny tress, destroyed houses and blue skies. You’re greeted by your robotic housemaid, who somehow survived a nuclear bomb, and choice is given using the face buttons instead of dialogue options at the bottom of the screen. It’s here that you meet your canine friend.

Your friend is more than someone to talk to, he can grab items for you and aid in combat.  It’s here that combat was finally shown, VATS makes a return and the slow-motion kills. Expect lush environments, radiated landscapes, bustling towns and dangerous enemies as you travel.

A new Pip-Boy was highlighted, found by the player within Vault 111. Small details, such as your avatar moving his figure as he scrambles through the menus are shown reinforcing Todd Howard’s comment on the attention of detail put into Fallout 4. This new Pip-Boy will be more intuitive and can play games, such as a rendition of Donkey Kong.

Todd Howard was done with the Pip-Boy, revealing an actual Pip-Boy that is part of the collector’s edition called the Pip-Boy edition; but not without taking a shot as second-screen gaming. Programmable and coupled with a companion application this mysterious device doesn’t have a price tag of yet.

A new mobile game was revealed based on the Fallout universe called Fallout Shelter. As the Overseer you create your own vault and try to keep the dwellers happy. You can send these inhabitants to the outside world to gather resources and build new sections of your vault to ensure the survival of your people. Accidents happen such as fires and raiders can attack and people can have babies to increase your population. Fallout Shelter will be free with no internet connection required and no paid timers will be in the game. Micro transactions are available for those looking for more loot. Fallout Shelter is available now for those looking for something to play until Fallout 4 is released.

Players can go further in Fallout 4, rebuilding their world. You can scrap material to make items to make yourself own home. Your settlement can grow, and attract merchants to trade for new items. Power lines can be used to power your electronics, most importantly against Raiders who’ll try to rob you.

Remember all those useless items you picked up in Fallout 3 and New Vegas, well now they have purpose. Players can deconstruct items to make into new items, weapons and modify your power-armor. Somethings can be built using various types of material so you don’t have to search for specific items all the time. 

By highlight was that the combat has been streamlined for active gameplay. It doesn’t seem floaty and instead takes inspiration from other great third-person shooters and FPS games to make shooting more engaging. Other improvements include the use of a jetpack, taking hold of a mini-gun from a plane, enemy killing animations, something inspired from DOOM or Dead Space, and so much more. Bethesda has gone above and beyond with this game it’s was worth the wait, now we just have to wait longer. Fallout 4 is set to release on November 10 on Xbox One, PS4 and PC. 

As a closing segment those who attended the conference were able to collect one of three figures featuring one character from a demon from DOOM, Emily from Dishonored 2 and the power-armor from Fallout 4. In the words of Stan Smith, “So jealous!”.


E3 has started with a bang. Despite the leaked information Bethesda came out on top showcasing new titles and impressive demos. It’s no doubt that Fallout 4 took the show by storm with an incredible array of information that forced fans to grab a towel to prevent their drool from drenching the floor. DOOM looks as intense as the original game and Dishonored 2 is shaping up to become the sequel fans have been clamoring for since the release of the first game. 

Did Bethesda impress or disappoint? Tell us in the comments below.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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