Blu Ray

TV by Cian on  Jan 24, 2011

Hey all -
Just to let you all know i'm working on the podcast ( just trying to fine tune everything - ) as wel as that I'm working on a BIG project for the radio ( which hopefully if we get accepted I might be going to E3 ( travel and everything paid for,that's in talks tho-

so back to topic on hand- As Most of ye know I got a 22" HDTV (1080p - full HDTV)

but here's my idea- I'm thinking of getting a Blu ray player - BDP-S370 ( for 129)  I'm getting mixed reviews  e.g i need a bigger TV to see the major difference in Blu ray to DVD,etc  also if you look in the picture above you see the TV ( i moved the tv Angle so i can now see the TV better than very dark at the bottom so that grand - but where to put the Blu ray- I was thinking of putting the Blu Ray on the chair were the 360 is - then put the 360 on top of the blu ray - i dunno if it will support the weight of the 360,




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