Brink Preview

Preview by Monkeyfeed on  Mar 24, 2011

Good news is waiting for the FPS lovers. And the good news named as “BRINK”. Brink is the upcoming FPS project which is scheduled to release on May 20, 2011 (EU).


Platform: PC, Xbox360, PS3
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Release Date: 20 May 2011 (EU)
Genre: FPS, Multiplayer Action



The game is full of actions, dynamic characters and a great platform for multiplayer gaming. Along with the multiplayer option, in Brink the story line has its own importance in a significant way.



Two groups exist in the game, called Resistance and Security. A city named as Ark (floating) which is now surrounded by the waters of flood that destroyed the earth. The Ark is small prototype which resembles a perfect city and it is good enough to hold 5000 residents. With the limited resources available, the war starts when the refugees started to enter in to the city. And it is up to you to choose between either save the Ark or Escape from the Ark.


Brink offers you a solid story based game play along with online game play option where up to 8 players can battle together. Stylish character moves with customizable archetype has given the game a unique nature. You are allowed to play with 4 character types the soldier, the medic, the engineer and the operative. Each character is full unique moves and activities which makes the game more target oriented.



Brink allows you to experience a slick and stylish gaming and it is definitely little bit different than some of the other available FPS those are boxed in the store shelves. Movement is crucial here since you are approaching through colorful and uneven terrain while shooting. For this movement issue, Splash Damage has developed the SMART (Smooth Movement Across Random Terrain) System.  Vaulting, leaping, sliding and Jumping brought a little extra edge to the overall gameplay.


Resistance or Security Whichever side of the clash you choose, you‘ll be confronted with a mystifying array of character customization options and choices, some of which affect the way you play the game and some of which are simply cosmetic. As usual, progressing through the game rewards you with XP with which you can unlock more options to differentiate yourself. The Good news is, players can also carry their XP and items in the online play mode also. And you can also use the XP earned in online, in the single player mode.



Brink is the first attempt as an original title from the Splash Damage developer. We do believe that the FPS lovers are waiting keenly since the game offers a full bag of stylish shooting and epic actions. Let’s wait till May, 2011 then.


Official Site: Brink


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