Can't think of a title!

Other by Deliduck on  Nov 22, 2010

I apologize for being so absent in the forums and around the site and for crapping out on the gamenight!

My life has gotten far more busy and stressfull then I thought it would this month.

I sprained my ankle a little while ago and it still isen't fully healed I seem to keep on stepping the wrong way and reinjuring it somewhat/slowing recovery.

I'm working on several papers for my classes which end in about 2 or 3 weeks then exams start.

I'v had some serious personal issues come up as well which aren't really suitable to put here.

I'v barely had time for any gaming. I literaly wake up, get my daughter dressed etc, then go straight to school stuff most days up until late at night. I take some breaks inbetween to entertain my kid and to keep my sanity but there is barely time to breathe let alone game and take care of the forums.

I think next semester I'll cut back my course load by one so as to not have a break down like I did a week ago.

I'll be officially done with my classes for this semester halfway through december...around the 14th I think is my last exam so then I will make more effort here probably. I really wanted to do more for the site as soon as I came on as mod but alas life takes over.

I'm still here...locking threads, and watching out for the odd problem that needs solving on the occassion when I can! ;P


But again apologies for not being the member of the community I should be right now!


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