Chapter 23

Writing by Knight on  Jul 02, 2010

Chapter 23


True Heir


                She looked back over, Bri holding her down, Screaming as she watched the two of them start fighting. It was horrific know she couldn’t help him, but it was something that she needed to accept. Alessandra sat on Armageddon as she flew them home to Celestial’s Haven. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and she couldn’t stop shaking. Bri did her best to comfort her, but her attempts were useless, so she found it best to leave her be.


                It didn’t take long for them to return, they were traveling at an intense pace. As Armageddon landed, the people within the castle walls panicked until Sarwar walked out. He put his hands up, and Armageddon nuzzled her snout in to his palms. Bri slide off and waited for Alessandra. Bri took her hand to help, but it felt cold to the touch… After she has stepped off she embraced Sarwar and held on to him. He warped his arms around her and waited.


“This… is Bri… Ricardo saved her. Please take care of her.”


“Where’s Ricardo…”      


                Just as Sarwar spoke, Armageddon roared then collapsed down, crushing several sheds with her tail, her breathing started to slow down… Sarwar rushed to the dragon, trying to see what was wrong and Bri went to assist the ones that were hurt. Alessandra stood stone stiff, completely pale. The Dragon took its last breath, and then died.






“GOT DAMN IT SARWAR! I Swear, I’m going to kill your son.”


“What is it this time?”


“He started ranting on and on about claiming kingdom, that he was heir to the throne. I’m rightful Heir, My mother is queen, I’m next in line for the lands.”


“Your Mother rules over the lands that surround Talson. We have yet to Reclaim Talson and all that’s left of the lands your mother rules is Masilen, and the mountains behind it. We need to take the rest before anything else.”


“But I’m still the Heir to the Throne am I not?”


“Yes you are.”


“There’s one more thing.”




“He called me… half blood. That’s why he said I wasn’t Heir. I was only half blood. I mean yes my Father was just some random man that raped my mother then left of never to be seen again, But I’m still my mother’s daughter, I’m next to take her place.”


“Who told you that was your Father?”


“No one… I just came to the assumption. Mother never told me about father. I asked everyone if they knew him and no one did. Just rumors that she had been raped.”


                Sarwar, now in his late forties, look at the young girl. He leaned back and eyed her up and down. Her tone muscles, light brown hair that just barely went beyond her shoulders, her golden eyes and that stubborn mind. She was just like her Father.


“It’s as if only yesterday Alessandra had given birth to you. Has it really been almost 18 years.”


“That was Random…”


“So your mother never explained everything to you…”


“What are you talking about?”


“Well you know that gift of yours? The once I’ve been helping you learn.”


“Yea? What about it.”


“We’ll come here.”


                She walked over to Sarwar, and he pulled her shirt up slightly, exposing a birthmark shaped like a K. He pointed at it and looked up at her.


“Do you know what that is?”


“A birthmark…”


“No, it’s a seal I put on you when you were born, it suppresses you gift. Only allows you to access a portion of it. I’m going to take it off… I need to control you power. Then listen to what I’m going to tell you.”


                Sarwar placed his hand on the K, and slowly release his gift to it. A light started to shine at his palm, and slowly it disappeared. He removed his hand and looked at her.


“I feel fine Sar…”


                Before she could even finish her sentence, her gift found its release and exploded in to her body, lights started to shine all around her and black lightning start to crackle at her fingertips. She threw her head back and started to flow a bit of the ground as her power started to engulf her. It was out of control, nothing like the practicing she as used to. This was raw power, beyond anything she’s felt before. She slowly started to lose sense with reality as she floated along, releasing her gift more and more. The walls around her started to shake, the carpet caught fire, and the doors rattled to the power.


“Damn it Nicole, Control your gift.”


                Sarwar’s voice rang in her head, and slowly she started to try to control it. But it was too much; nothing she could do was helping. It was just too much. Only then she remembered the necklace her mother had given her. She reached for it as it lay around her neck, fighting her gift ever inch of the way. Slowly, her fingertips pressed to the gem in the center and it disappeared. She hit the ground rather hard, but her gift has quieted. She could feel it Raging within the necklace, but for now it claimed down.


“Good girl. I was hoping you’d gain control.”


“That was intense. Where in the world did that come from? You said I could only be as powerful as my mother was. She’s nothing like that. Hell that may even be close to you in rank.”


“It’s not close in the slightest…”


“Are you sure I mean...”


“It’s stronger. Much much stronger. Nicole, you’ve more power then I could ever dream of.”


“How… I’m so confused.”


“Allow me to explain this. Nicole, your Mother hides the truth from you, because she’s not over come it yet. What you don’t know is, you Mother was Married to the Lord. She wasn’t of royalty at birth, not at all. She was just a simple girl that happened to look pretty and got a chance to meet with the Lord.”


“Lord, you mean that guy I learned about in class? Lord… Knight was it?”


“Did your mother ever mention the name Ricardo?”


“Yes, Well not to me, but she’d say that name in her prayers, and at times I’ve heard her talk to herself, but she was talking to someone named Ricardo. At least that’s the impression I got.”


“Lord Knight, was what we called him, but those close to him knew him as Lord Ricardo. Nicole, your mother married Lord Ricardo. You’re his daughter. Your power… Rivals his. You are purely gifted, not partly like your mother. You also look just like your father. You act like him too, it’s not because you do a lot of the things boy’s normally do, it’s because you act like your father. It’s amazing…”


                Nicole stepped back and looked at him. Her eye’s started to water and she fell to her knees. For once in her life, she started to cry. Never before that could she remember did she cry, but now she was.


“That… *sniff* means *sob* My Father’s dead… *sniff*”




“THAT’S NOT FAIR. *sniff*”


                Tears started to intensify as she screamed. Her face turned red in anger, and her knuckles started to turn white. Around her she could feel an aura starting to emerge and lighting started to crackle. Finally the void in Nicole was full, but with it came a truth she didn’t want to know.


“WHY IS HE DEAD! ALL I EVER WANTED TO DO WAS FIND MY FATHER. I thought he was just some random guy who raped my mother. I wanted to Find him and hurt him for what he did to her. But Here I am. I just found out that He was actually a great man. Even if my father was a random Peasant I’d be happy, if he as live. NO, I can’t accept it. WHY, HE CAN’T BE MY FATHER.”

                She stood up and threw her hands up in rage; from her fists two shots of black lightning blew a hole in the roof. She looked at herself and her anger only grew.




                As she screamed, someone walked in t calmly and wrapped their arms around Nicole. The voice whispered, calm down sweetie, please calm down. Mommy’s here. Alessandra held her daughter still trying to get her to stop, trying to relax her. With every whisper, Nicole only grew more and more angry.




“Please Nicole, calm down… I’m Sorry”


‘You lied. I’ll never get to see him now. I’ll never get to talk to him.”


                Alessandra let go of Nicole and took a few steps back. Nicole was confused, never once when she threw a tantrum did her mother let go of her and back up. Nicole started to regain control of herself, then turn to look at her mother, who was crying in front of her. The sight of her mother crying brought tears back to Nicole. She looked at her mother…


“Nicole… If you want to talk to him… you can.”


                Both Sarwar and Nicole looked at Alessandra, dumbstruck.

Ricardo Santos

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