Funny Gaming Ads

Computers by Fishdalf on  Aug 18, 2010

Here are some funny gaming adverts I've come across recently and had to share with you guys. Seriously, what are some people thinking. (ads in italics)

Xbox 360 for sale.

The console is almost working it just has a couple of red lights on the front.
Includes power plug and an HDMI cable, as well as a controller.

Ah, almost working, that sounds great. Red lights? Nothing to worry about there.

Sony PlayStation 3 Slim 250GB and 12 Games.

Used but in very good condition and works fully.
Blueray DVD player when used with a HDTV.
Built in Wi-Fi. Games include:

- 3 PS3 Games
- 10 PS2 Games

Haha this is hilarious. ‘Blueray DVD player’ makes no sense on multiple levels. Oh and PlayStation 2 games don’t work on that model. Furthermore three plus ten is thirteen, not twelve.

Wanted, Xbox 360 with 6 controllers and 5 games.

Not bothered abolut the condition or price, and have my own wires.
If you have Halo trilogy that would be good. Thanks.

Oh dear, where do I start. Firstly, isn't that a little specific about what you're looking for? And then you say you're not bothered about price or condition. Okay then, I have a smashed up 360 here for four hundred, it's a deal.
Oh and the Halo trilogy is good. Thanks.

Craig Bryan

Managing Editor, NoobFeed

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