Games Wishlist

Games by Fishdalf on  Aug 17, 2010

Here's a list of the games that are coming out this year that I want to rent or own.
The problem will be finding the time and the money to fit them all in:

- Pro Evolution Soccer 2011
- Gran Turismo 5
- Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
- F1 2010
- Football Manager 2011
- Tony Hawk 12
- Buzz: The Ultimate Music Quiz
- Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 1
- LittleBigPlanet 2
- NHL 11
- Rock Band 3
- Guitar Hero: Warriors Of Rock

So what are your lists coming into Autumn/Winter time?
Do you have more or less games on yours?
What's your most anticipated title of 2010?

Craig Bryan

Managing Editor, NoobFeed

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