I should write a blog...

Other by EliteEdge on  Jul 23, 2010

I should but what should I write it about?


Women? Im finally getting over the girl i had to leave 2 weeks ago. It was off and on with us for a while. Yeah she was my first love but i couldnt keep being hurt by her. Its crap but she loves my best friend... So much happened between us but i couldnt do it. But i know I will find someone. Might have already :D I asked her out. She said ask her in person even though her answer is probably obvious... this should be good. :) Ill see her on the 5th when i get back to school.


Gaming? Assassin's Creed 2 is my favorite game of all time hands down. Its perfect! Right now im playing Left 4 Dead 2 and Dead Space. Im ready for some silly cartoon game after this lol


TV/Movies? Been watching a ton of movies from netflix. Currently watching the shows Robin Hood and Static Shock. Ive been watching a lot of shows I grew up with which is why Static Shock is on there. Great show. :)


Music? DJ Khaled is freakin awesome! Waiting for the new Linkin Park album.


Books? Reading The Grapes of Wrath for school.... it sucks :(


NooFeed Marketing? Yeah thats going well. Working on a few things and its going well. Business Development is really turning out to be something im interested in.


Well ok i hope thats a good enough blog for yall. TTY on IM.


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