[Insert title here]

Writing by Akio-Norio on  Jan 19, 2011

Okay its about time i updated my blog so here i am, okay i have indeed returned to noobfeed and i bring news and updates. I will starting from now be back to noobfeed and concentrate on always being around the site at least once a day and hopefully make even more friends in the process. Second update is that on Sunday i am getting my own place, making a big leap in my lifestyle with that it means i got to get a job and fit in school so that's Awesome and sucks all at once lol.Oh and btw you may notice my profile picture banner and signature change from time to time thing with me is my mood changes a lot if i see a epic show or or some epic game i will change it to that kinda theme. With all that said here is hoping for a better year :)

Christopher Nagato

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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