It's The Season For Playing Games - Street Fighter X Mega Man

This free platformer fan tribute, officially backed by Capcom, takes the traditional Mega Man levels and dunks them in Street Fighter themes.

 by Daavpuke on  Dec 30, 2012

Happy New Year or a less sucky one; we do hope you do well if you partake in that event that turns to 2013. We here at NoobFeed have actually gotten around to posting our Game of the Year articles. Are you excited to find out what games we think are worthy of our prestigious honors? Then you can catch our first part here. For everyone else, I’m still dedicated to bring you some gameplay commentaries from a variety of games.

Street Fighter X Mega Man, Review, Latest, News, Rumor, Preview, Trailer

As an extra comfort to you and yours, I’ll put up my time with Street Fighter X Mega Man. If you’ve ever wanted to see me die a lot and suck at the one genre of games I should excel at as the resident classic gamer, then you’ll love this. This free platformer fan tribute, officially backed by Capcom, takes the traditional Mega Man levels and dunks them in Street Fighter themes, where every boss is a character from the series. The first stream is mostly me crashing and burning, but I beat at least one or two fighters in the second one, if you really want to see something else. Enjoy schadenfreude.

Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed. (@Daavpuke)

Daav Daavpuke

Editor, NoobFeed

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