Jim Raynor to the Rescue!!! (And an update)

General by Koshai on  May 23, 2010

The Angry Cat was sitting somewhere in the battleground, thinking how he was going to get away from the mess and how he could get away from Onderon.  He just wanted to go home on Earth, go to his bed and take a huge rest. He could see the Onderon invaders were raging everywhere and the two local civilizations, the humans and the Mandalorians, were trying hard to resist. Angry Cat realized that he would not be able to help the locals since the bullets from his AK-47 were no match against the laser cannons. He was feeling useless for the first time in his life.


After some hours, a new group of visitors appeared to the battleground from the sky. It was a human Terran army led by James “Jim” Raynor. This group somehow got informed and so came to this world to drive out the Zerg invaders from Onderon. Angry Cat was wondering how messier the battle’s going to be. Fortunately with the help of Terran army, the human and mandalorian armies were finally able to match against the Zerg invaders. Still the battle was evenly matched and the battle was going nowhere. At one point, Jim was able to score a headshot to one of the Zerg insectoids. The head somehow flew away from the force of the projectile.


Angry Cat was still sitting, doing nothing and thinking when suddenly the ripped off insectoid head hit the Angry Cat straight on his head (about time!!!!). His whole perspective on the surroundings of Onderon has changed instantly. The Angry Cat screamed like hell at 120 dB offending at least the Zergs. So the Zerg invaders went against the Angry Cat just to teach him a lesson for disturbing their attacking rhythm (and the biggest mistake they did). Angry Cat realized that they were a threat and started triggering his “beloved” AK-47 while screaming out loud. Within an hour the Angry Cat had destroyed all of the Zerg invaders. Jim Raynor, his terran groups and the local civilization stared at Angry Cat in disbelief after seeing the atrocities.


As the Angry Cat kept on shooting bullets out of no reason, all the groups realized that the Cat has some mental issues and needs to be kicked out from Onderon for good. Jim Raynor found a very good plan. He took out a grenade and carefully removed all the gunpowder. Then he carefully put chloroform and sealed the grenade. He then appeared towards the Angry Cat as close as possible and threw the chloroform grenade towards the Cat, thus knocking the Cat out into a deep sleep. Jim then tied up the Cat to a rocket, put an oxygen mask to the Cat’s face and then fired the rocket. The rocket rushed towards the space and disappeared. At least, Onderon was safe thanks to insanity of Angry Cat.


My update: My dad and my sister came to US and so I am spending a lot of my free time with them and with my uncle’s and aunt’s familes. Most of the time, we end up going out somewhere or play Xbox 360. Yesterday we all nearly exposed a thief that was haunting our neighborhood. As far as blogging is concerned, I am trying to find some time so I can write more and also comment on other blogs. I am doing a video review for NoobFeed. I am starting with a small game for the time being before getting into the bigger ones. Script writing, gameplay recording is finished. Thanks to @David_D for helping me giving voice overs for the review. Now I just have to add some presentation effects and make it like those shown in Gamespot or Gametrailers. In within 2-3 days, this will be on in NoobFeed and in Youtube channel. Ok!! I am going out. Later all!!! Peace!!!!

Rubayyat Akbar

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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