Mass Effect 3: Extended Ending
Games by Grayshadow on Apr 05, 2012
Since the release of Mass Effect 3 Bioware forums began to flood with negative feedback about how the trilogy ended. But recently Bioware has announced an extended content to provide closure for the ending of Mass Effect 3 in the form of free DLC.
According to Bioware’s blog this is not additional content but merely extended scenes to provide fans a deeper understanding into the ending of Commander Shepard’s story. However this won’t change the ending already in place, this DLC is meant to only expand on the three endings and provide answers to any unanswered questions. No release date has been announced yet but is expected to come out in summer for Xbox 360, PC, and PS3.
Bioware has been listening to the feedback by their fans and have responded. This may not be the radical change some people were hoping for but it is a massive step for a company like Bioware to provide something completely unexpected because the fans demanded it.
Larke , David . "Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut | BioWare Blog."BioWare Blog | A look at story-based gaming. N.p., 5 Apr. 2012. Web. 5 Apr. 2012.
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