Playstation Store

Rant by Dan on  Jun 03, 2011

So PSN networking issues! you've finally dragged me into the rage war!
 for fun, I decided to check to see if the PSN store was working, and to my surprise and delight it was working.
 I thought i was on to a winner so i immediatly went to the PSONE classics section and looked up the Final Fantasy Games. Lo and Behold they are all there! in their glory! FF VII VIII & IX .. and a mere 9.99 each.


Dan's heart skips a beat, could this be true. could he own his favorite games and be able to carry them with him! surely you jest PSN. surely you Jest. yet to my surprise and delight, it turns out that i can indeed purchase these titles. FF VII please says Dan. Ok says PSN store here you go. Download begins. and I am over the moon about it

it will take approx 127 mins to download 1328MB of the game. (internet over here is SOOO slow) im ok with this, i go off to do whatever i have to do. and i come back. the download is complete. i go to try and play.. and instead of seeing FFVII, I see a corrput Data symbol and a 16KB file i cant use.

WHAT. The . F***!


i remove the SD card. check to see if the files are even on it. NOTHING. NADA ZILCH.

what can i do. as i type im attempting the download again! maybe it'll work this time!

if not. then i'll have to get on to Sony! not that they'll do anything about it.

Dan Casey

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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