Remember Me Let's Play

Join me for another Let's Play as I explore the world of Neo-Paris and free the world from a oversaturation of false memories in Remember Me.

Games by Grayshadow on  Aug 06, 2014

Remember Me is teeming with promise. Using big ideas such as the fallibility of memory Remember Me offers a uniquely refreshing experience. The world is vibrant and distinctive, a futuristic vision of Paris where memories are now commoditized into digital property, junkies addicted to recollections of other people's happier past, and huge corporations with an unsettling amount of access to everyone's history.

Remember Me is an admirable and enjoyable game. Remixing memories, stealing personal information, and shifting a person's perspective made me feel like a true Memory Hunter. Join me for another Let's Play as I explore the world of Neo-Paris and free the world from a oversaturation of false memories.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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