Top 5 Games of 2018 So Far
What were the some of the best games of 2018 so far?
by Grayshadow on Jul 26, 2018
2018 is halfway done and we've seen a lot of games release this year. Some great and some not so good, but others stood out of the crowd. Here are the best games of 2018 so far.
For many, Monster Hunter: World was their first game in this long-running franchise. As the first game to leap to the console world Monster Hunter: World won over millions of new fans. It's unforgiving and rewarding monster slaying gameplay encouraged teamwork and creative play. Players have to track and figure out how to defeat each creature since each one was intricately designed with specific strengths and weaknesses. Even now, Monster Hunter: World continues to grow with its constant introduction of new enemies, special events, and unlockables. And with the PC version coming this August that number will rise to new heights.
4. Far Cry 5
Far Cry 5 most acclaimed feature wasn't the open world, gameplay, or the protagonist; it was the antagonists. Each one of the Seed family provided a unique outlook into Joseph Seed's cult Eden Gate providing one of the best performances in the franchise. Creating a good villain is difficult and Joseph Seed is one of the best examples of what a formidable foe should be like.
The intense high-speed action of the Dragon Ball franchise is one of the most difficult things to capture in a video game, yet Ark System Works somehow accomplished it. Dragon Ball FighterZ is pure eye candy with its colorful and gorgeous graphics. Most importantly the game caters to both novice and advanced gamers. Thanks to a steady flow of DLC the roster has grown significantly and remains one of the best fighting games of this generation.
Despite being a remake of the PlayStation 2 classic Bluepoint Studios went above and beyond to recreate the Shadow of the Colossus entirely for the modern generation. The refined graphics showcase how advanced the gameplay was. Towering these dangerous beasts and searching for their weak points still holds strong 10 years later. But the most memorable aspect of Shadow of the Colossus came from its emotional story and the incredible soundtrack.
1. God of War 4
Serving as not only a sequel but a reboot of the acclaimed franchise God of War 4 is a true masterpiece. Story, music, graphics, soundtrack, controls, and characters are done in such an incredible way that every minor issue is easily overshadowed. Kratos has been redefined and shown in a different light thanks to the outstanding team at Santa Monica. If you own a PS4 it would criminal not to buy God of War 4.
What were your favorite games of 2018? Let us know in the comments below!
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