What does a review means to you?

Games by The_Icon on  Oct 01, 2010

Games are alot expensive than they used to be. New titles range from 50$ to 60$, we cant all buy all the games we want. A good practice is to wait for the reviews to hit, well... atleast it was.


As of late, I am really feeling that the reviews are way way off the mark. Like games that to you should have been a 9 ends up getting 7s or even 6 from various online pulbications while vice versa is also true.

Like this game Castlevania Lords of Shadow I am getting for the PS3 next week, the reviews are mostly a solid 9, but 2 major publications like gamespot and IGN both game a disappointing score fo 7.5/10 for the game. I made up my mind to get the game for a while now, but have the reviews changed anything? Absolutely not.

Remember reviews are just a guideline, even more its just one man's opinion. The only review you should trust is your's own. Don't let a review decide what game to get, if you feel good about a game, get it.

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