Bend Studio Shares Impression Gameplay Stats for Days Gone's 1-Year Anniversary

PlayStation gamers have played over 200 million hours of Days Gone

News by Grayshadow on  Apr 27, 2020

1 year ago Days Gone launched and while the title suffered from a lot of technical problems the title had a strong edifice for a different take on the zombie apocalypse. To celebrate Bend Studio released gameplay statistics for the game.

In 1-year players have spent over 200 hours clearing nests, ambush camps, NERO checkpoints, and killing hordes. With over 100 million trophies earned and much more.

Days Gone,Bend Studio,NoobFeed,

Days Gone stars Deacon St. John, a biker living in the zombie apocalypse with his best friend. Deacon is surviving day to day by completing missions for various camps in exchange for supplies as he searches for any information about his wife Sarah's wearables or possible death.

Days Gone is now available for the PS4.

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

, NoobFeed

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