EA and DICE Steaming Battlefield 1 Everyday Until Release

More Battlefield 1

News by Grayshadow on  Oct 12, 2016

Battlefield 1 releases later this month and EA and DICE want to ensure you don't forget, by streaming each day.

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On the official Battlefield 1 site EA :

"You're days away from being able to go hands-on with the final version of Battlefield 1. The EA Access and Origin Access Play First Trial* kicks off on October 13, the Early Enlister Deluxe Edition lands on October 18, and the worldwide release of Battlefield 1 comes on October 21. But we've got one last surprise up our sleeves for anyone interested in learning everything there is to learn about Battlefield 1: a 10-day long livestream event you won't want to miss!"

The streamers include:


The streams begin October 12th and will continue until release date. You can watch it on theor official Twitch channel.

Battlefield 1 launches on October 21st for Xbox One, PS4, and PC. Those with an active EA Origins account can play the campaign and multiplayer early on October 13. Early Enlisters will get to play October 18th, when everything will be unlocked.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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