First of Four Detroit: Become Human Series Provides A Summary of Android Development

New short series released for Detroit: Become Human

News by Grayshadow on  May 23, 2018

Detroit: Become Human launches in a few days and to get players ready the developer Quantic Dream is releasing a 4-part series highlighting the world of the game,

Detroit: Become Human,NoobFeed,

The first video is called "Kamski" explores Elijah Kamski who created the world's first Android and developed the process to streamline them. We get a short introduction into the CEO's backstory, the development process of Androids, how they eventually replace humans for record unemployment and even promoting relationships with Androids in both labor and emotional support.

All 4 shorts will be available in the full game when it launches.

Detroit: Become Human launches on May 25th for PS4.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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