New Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Footage Features a Playable Majin Vegeta

Majin Vegeta shown traveling the world of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot

News by Grayshadow on  Oct 29, 2019

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot has several playable characters outside of Goku. With Vegito, Gohan, and Trunks confirmed as playable characters. Now, Bandai Namco has released new footage of the game showing off Majin Vegeta traveling the world and fighting Majin Buu through IGN First.

Dragon Ball Z,NoobFeed,

Feel the power flow through your veins as you go up against Majin Buu!

Will you finish this fearsome foe? Pre-Order and find out when #DBZK releases on January 17, 2020:

— Bandai Namco US (@BandaiNamcoUS) October 28, 2019

For those unaware of Dragon Ball Z lore, Majin Vegeta is the powered-up version of Vegeta after becoming a follower of Babidi. Despite this Babidi had little control over Vegeta and instead, Vegeta used his newfound strength to fight both Goku and Majin Buu. In one of the most memorable fights in Dragon Ball Z.

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot launches January 17th, 2020 for PS4, PC, and Xbox One. I had the chance to play the game at E3 2019 and thought it not only recreated the anime faithfully but provided the high-speed combat that fans love from the series at your fingers.

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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