Resident Evil 7 Banned Footage Vol. 1 Now Available for PlayStation Owners, Vol. 2 Detailed

Resident Evil 7 first piece of DLC now available for PS4

News by Grayshadow on  Feb 01, 2017

After shipping 2.5 million copies and receiving a mostly positive reception from gamers and critics Capcom is now ready to release the first piece of DLC for Resident Evil 7, for PlayStation 4 owners at least.

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Banned Footage Vol. 1 is now available for PlayStation 4 for $9.99 alone or as part of the Deluxe Edition or Season Pass. The campaign "Nightmare" has players taking control of Sewer Gators cameraman Clancy as he attempts to survive until morning by crafting weapons and ammo to survive the deadly horde. Also included is "Bedroom" where Clancy must figure out how to get out of a locked bedroom in the Baker family's plantation while being hunted by Marguerite Baker.

A new extra game mode called "Ethan Must Die" is explained as "an extra tough mode that is separate from the events of RE7" and is not PSVR supported.

Banned Footage Vol. 2 will launch on February 14th for $14.99 alone or part of the Deluxe Edition and Season Pass. This footage will include 2 situations "21" and "Daughters". "21" has players gamble with their life in a game and "Daughters" focuses on The Bakers before the events of the main campaign. An extra game mode called "Jack's 55th Birthday" will be added that has the players providing treats to the father of the Baker family for his birthday. Like "Ethan Must Die" this mode will not be PSVR supported.

All DLC will release first for PS4 owners with Xbox One and PC gamers gaining access at a later date.

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard is now available on Xbox One, PS4. and PC.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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