Resident Evil 7 Combat, Story, and Location Leaked

Thanks to the ESRB we have new information about Resident Evil 7

News by Grayshadow on  Aug 27, 2016

Resident Evil 7 releases in 3 months but we don't know much about the game, until now. The ESRB has revealed a lot of sensitive information regarding the game's plot, location, and combat.

Resident Evil 7,ESRB,NoobFeed,

The demo provided to gamers after Sony's E3 2016 conference was merely a taste of what the next game would be like, not actually content of the actual game. Now we know that the Mature-rated game will star a man named Ethan who is searching for his missing wide in a "derelict mansion."

Seems fitting, the first Resident Evil game took place in a mansion owned by the Umbrella corporation. 

Resident Evil 7 is set to release on January 24, 2017 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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