Star Wars: Battlefront Won't Have Classes And Squads
New buddy and classless systems being used in Star Wars: Battlefront
News by Grayshadow on May 11, 2015
Star Wars: Battlefront will omit certain conventions found in other multiplayer shooters such as squads and classes.
In an interview design director Niklas Fegraeus stated that players will be able to freely pick up any equipment to their avatar without being constrained to a specific set of class-specific options.
In order to unlock new equipment players will have to earn experience but can share their unlocks with a Partner. This encourages players to cooperate with one another to purchase new resources.
Partners will replace Squads. Instead of teaming up with groups of players, usually 4-5, players will only have one buddy to spawn on that can be tracked on your HUD.
Star Wars: Battlefront is set to release in November on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Expect to hear more on Battlefront at E3 2015.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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