Activision Going After Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Warzone Leaker, Files Subpoena Against Reddit
Activision is not happy about the leaked information regarding Warzone
News by Grayshadow on Feb 21, 2020
Recently, Nintendo went after the person responsible for the leaks for Pokemon Sword and Shield. Going as far as to issue a subpoena to Discord where the information was leaked to find the person. The individual was caught, a former reporter with the website FNintendo, and Nintendo severed all connection with the publication.
Now, Activision is doing the same. With the company filing a Digital Millennium Copyright Act subpoena against Reddit Inc in California Court. The reason, a user who leaked the upcoming unconfirmed mode in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Warzone.
As reported by CharlieIntel:
Reddit user Assyrian2410 posted on r/ModernWarfare last week a post titled “I found this image online, not sure what it is.” The post showcased what appeared to be an artwork for “Call of Duty: Warzone.” The user quickly deleted their post from Reddit and deleted their account, but the image spread around the internet.
Activision has not unveiled the new mode as of yet. We'll keep everyone posted as the news story develops.
Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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