BioShock Infinite Burial at Sea Developer Diary reveals Elizabeth Gameplay
Characters from the original BioShock and BioShock Infinite return.
News by Grayshadow on Feb 12, 2014
Irrational Games have released a new developer diary showcasing the final act of BioShock Infinite Burial at Sea. In this video Ken Levine reveals that characters from both the original BioShock and BioShock Infinite will be returning that include Daisy Fitzroy, Andrew Ryan, Booker DeWitt, and Altas. Most importantly the video shows snippets of gameplay, such as Elizabeth's ability to use plasmids, a new crossbow weapon, and using the Skyhook to club enemies from behind while sneaking.
BioShock Infinite Burial at Sea Episode 2 is due to come out on all platforms on March 25 and will be the final piece of DLC offered by the season pass.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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