Epic Games Offer Shenmue 3 For Free

The first gift from Epic Games is Shenmue 3

News by Grayshadow on  Dec 17, 2021

Epic Games is notorious for providing free games through its launcher and this holiday season they're offering some big hits. The first being Shenmue III.

Epic Games,Shenmue,

A rumor is going around that Epic Games will offer Horizon Zero Dawn but it has yet to be revealed.

Shenmue III is one of the weaker releases in the franchise. Despite fans yearning for a new game and years of development after a massive Kickstarter the game launched to lukewarm reviews and reception. This is due to lackluster elements such as combat and mind-numbing mini-games. Many conveniences made possible through years of innovation within game development were also missing along with a narrative that served more as a placeholder than a progression.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed

Adam Siddiqui

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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