God of War 3-Hour Demo Only Covered 5 Percent of Game

God of War is huge!

News by Grayshadow on  Mar 20, 2018

God of War is about 1 month away and Sony is doing everything they can to entice fans about its upcoming release. From trailers to a brand new CG commercial showcasing Kratos' new personality. Some people have tried the game but according to veteran media member Geoff Keighley, the 2.5 hours he played was only 5% of the game.

God of War 4,NoobFeed,Santa Monica,Sony,

On Twitter, the host and creator of the Game Awards ceremony went hands-on with Santa Monica's creation noting the game's story, puzzles, and graphical looks were stellar. 

I was blown away by God of War. Played first 2.5 hours last week. It's a faithful yet deeply evolved version of the classic series across every dimension: Combat, story, puzzles and graphical prowess.

However, it would seem the portion Keighley played was only 5% of the game.

From what I was told we only played about 5% of the full game. If that's the case, this is going to be an epic on the scale of Horizon — and with tons of weapon and skill tree upgrades, I can't wait to see how the game opens up in the other 95%.

Santa Monica and Sony have been shy about revealing information on the game, for good reason. God of War marks the return of Kratos in this new sequel/reboot of the acclaimed franchise.

God of War launches on April 20, 2018, exclusively for the PlayStation 4.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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