God of War 4 Memories of Mother Trailer Pays Tribute to Atreus' Mother
Latest trailer for God of War 4 features a touching tribute to Kratos' second wife and mother of Atreus
News by Grayshadow on Dec 20, 2018
God of War 4 is one of the most critically acclaimed games this year and those who experienced the adventure largely agree. However, Santa Monica isn't done with releasing trailers with the latest featuring a touching tribute to Kratos' second wife and the mother of Atreus Faye.
The trailer does include some spoilers so don't watch it if you want to remain unspoiled. The trailer features the song Memories of Mother and has Kratos and Atreus looking back at their adventure before saying goodbye to Faye one final time.
God of War 4 is now available for PS4. Check out our review here.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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