God of War Director's Commentary Second Part Now Available, Reveals Original Concepts for First Boss Fight

Inside developer's commentary for God of War

News by Grayshadow on  May 19, 2018

Recently, Santa Monica's director of God of War Cory Barlog started a series showcasing the development of God of War by providing insider information during gameplay. The first episode dealt with the beginning and how the first level was redone in the final 6 months of development. Now the second part deals with the first real boss fight in the game.


God of War,Santa Monica,NoobFeed,

During this video, Cory Barlog discusses how lightning was one of the most challenging aspects of God of War and didn't get fixed until the final months leading up to the game's release.

Another detail Barlog explained that the original fight with The Stranger was 3 times as long and explained why blood doesn't always show during fights. Another interesting fact was that the second part of the fight was more interactive with players inputting the tree command and being part of the fist fight between Kratos and the Stranger.

These videos are incredibly insightful, highlighting the dense process of developing a game on this scale. Voicing, lightning, and acting all requiring absolute dedication.

God of War is now available for PS4.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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