Man of Medan Reaches 1 Million Copies Shipped

Man of Medan has been a huge success

News by Grayshadow on  Aug 06, 2020

Man of Medan is the first part of The Dark Pictures Anthology. While the title had mixed reception compared to Supermassive's Until Dawn many enjoyed the branching narrative. With the title shipping 1 million copies.

Man of Medan,NoobFeed,Bandai Namco,

1 million copies of #ManOfMedan have shipped to unwitting passengers worldwide. Thank you for getting onboard, we hope to see you soon in Little Hope!#TheDarkPictures

— The Dark Pictures (@TheDarkPictures) August 6, 2020

The next part of The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope is set to release this October 30th. Unlike Man of Medan, this title seems to be taking a more supernatural focus. The trailers showing off the new game have been met with positive reception but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the title was delayed.

Man of Medan has a group of 4 spoiled friends, 2 of whom are siblings, exploring an uncharted WW2 crash site with their guide and ship captain. After some questionable decisions, everyone finds themselves on board the abandoned freighter SS Ourang Medan in search of treasure but finds out the ship carries a lot more dark secrets.

Little Hope will star a brand new set of characters in New England. After taking shelter in the town of Little Hope due to harsh weather on their bus trip a group of students and their teacher must survive the horrors within the town. Unlike Man of Medan, it seems Little Hope will follow a more supernatural tale which many were disappointed that Man of Medan did not.

Man of Medan is now available for PS4, PC, and Xbox One. Little Hope will launch on the same platforms on October 30th.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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