PlayStation Neo could "fundamentally change" the No Man's Sky Experience

No Man's Sky VR?

News by Grayshadow on  Aug 11, 2016

No Man's Sky has already taken the hearts of thousands by storm but according to Hello Games founder, Sean Murray, Neo could take the game another step further.

No Man's Sky,NoobFeed,Hello Games,

Speaking to the Daily Star Murray stated that due to the game being procedurally generated that a more powerful console wouldn't mean just higher resolution but a fundamental change.

"You can have - and you'll see this from our patch notes - we're able to change huge things in the universe, because we have complete control. With more powerful hardware, we can have more trees, more leafs on those trees. The density or immersion of worlds, or new types of worlds could exist. It's a really fun thing to think about, its a really fun thing to think about what impact more powerful hardware could have on our game and tech in the future."

Sony has already confirmed a presentation for NYC on September 7, many speculate it's to reveal the PS4 Neo. If so perhaps we'll see what Murray is talking about, No Man's Sky 2.0..

No Man's Sky is now available for PS4. It'll release on PC August 12th.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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