PS4 Pro Targeting PC Players, not Xbox One Gamers

We got it all wrong, Sony is in direct competition with PC

News by Grayshadow on  Sep 10, 2016

According to Andrew House, head of Sony Interactive Entertainment, the PS4 Pro was made to convince those who've switched over to PC for a better graphical experience.

PS4 Pro vs PC,NoobFeed,Sony,PC

Speaking with The Guardian after Wednesday's PlayStation Meeting the Sony CEO stating that: 

“Our feeling is that while physical media continues to be a big part of the games business, we see a trend on video towards streaming,” he said. “Certainly with our user base, it’s the second biggest use case for people’s time on the system so we place more emphasis on that area.”

When asked about the traditional console lifecycle House said that:

“We think that for a really substantial period of time this is the PlayStation 4 lineup. We’re very comfortable with that.”

House didn't rule out any PS4 installments later. Microsoft has been hinted at the end of consoles by shifting focus to the PC realm. The most notorious example being their Xbox Play Anywhere feature that allows Xbox One gamers to play Xbox One games on Windows 10, linking together save files and progress between the platforms. Xbox exclusive games such as Gears of War 4 and the next Halo have already been confirmed for this feature.

What do you think, does the PS4 Pro have the graphical power to pull PC gamers back who've abandoned consoles or even convince PC veterans to try the hardware? Let us know your opinion in the comments below!

PS4 Pro is set to release November 10th for $399.99.

Source: The Guardian

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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