Sean Murray Addresses the Community About No Man's Sky Difficult Post-Launch Period
NEXT isn't the end of No Man's Sky
News by Grayshadow on Jul 23, 2018
No Man's Sky's launch was one of the most infamous game launches this generation. With miscommunication with the game's content, lack of information from Sean Murray, and the game's stability. Over the last year, the development team has provided significant updates with the upcoming update adding multiplayer and bringing the game to Xbox One. Now Sean Murray has released a public message addressing the community.
First off, Murray explained how proud he is of his team at Hello Games and his personal mistakes. That his team focused on developing the game to show they cared about the game and their community.
Whilst I couldn’t be prouder of the team, I personally made mistakes. I could talk all day about things I personally would change. Certainly one regret is that the intensity and drama of launch left no room for communication with the community.
We decided instead to focus on development rather than words. Following Foundation, Pathfinder and Atlas Rises, we really want to include you, the community, more.
Murray explained that the team will continue to develop No Man's Sky even after the upcoming NEXT update and will release a new website for the community called Galactic Atlas.
One day I hope to reach a point where I feel No Man’s Sky is “finished”, but luckily there’s still so much more we want to do. Working on NEXT feels important to us, but I know it’s not the end of the journey. We know the journey would be more fun together.
As someone who purchased and played a lot of No Man's Sky when it came out for the PS4, I was utterly vexed at the game. However, over time the game has improved a lot with the free updates and with NEXT coming up I'm looking forward to diving back into the game. Hello Games has shown they care about their game and the passion they've put into the project following its release is inspiring.
No Man's Sky is now available for PS4 and PC. No Man's Sky will launch on Xbox One tomorrow.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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