Sine Mora EX for Nintendo Switch Gets US and International Release Dates

Nintendo Switch gets Sine Mora EX this month

News by Grayshadow on  Sep 13, 2017

Sine Mora EX is coming to the Nintendo Switch this month on September 26th in the US and October 10th internationally.

Sine Mora EX,NoobFeed,

Sine Mora EX, currently available on the Xbox One, PS4, and PC, is an enhanced re-release of Sine Mora and features 16:9 aspect ratio, local cooperative, full English voice-acting, 3 new versus modes, and new challenge levels.

Since Mora EX features 2 plots running at different points in time, the first being a father bent on revenge for his son's death and the second the last survivors of a race of people. Taking place between the 2 timelines player's control multiple characters across different environments. Unlike other side-scrolling shoot 'em ups time is constantly ticking down, and taking damage speeds up the process while killing enemies adds extra time.

Sine Mora EX is now available for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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