Strider Returns This February

Releasing on PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One

News by Grayshadow on  Feb 05, 2014

Capcom has confirmed that the science-fiction ninja platformer Strider will be coming out on February 18 in NA for PS4 and PS3, with the Xbox One, Xbox 360, and Steam versions releasing the day after for $15. 

Strider,Capcom,Noobfeed,Adam Siddiqui,Xbox One,PlayStation,Sony,

In addition to the main campaign Strider will include two challenge modes. These include Beacon Run which is a speed running challenge and a mode that requires you to defeat wave after wave of increasing difficult enemies called Survival. Both modes will feature leaderboards.

I had hands on time with Strider during NYC Comic-Con 2013. The game was fast paced and required precision in order to deliver killing blows and survive the punishing difficulty. It treaded the line between old-school mechanics and modernized gameplay; instead of simply slicing my way through each enemy I had to think about each action I was about to make.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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