Upcoming Star Wars: Battlefront Update Highlights Jabba the Hutt Contracts
New contracts coming to Battlefront
News by Grayshadow on Mar 09, 2016
EA has teased what appears to be a new mode for Star Wars: Battlefront.
On Monday EA released a new Youtube video that promoted the latest free update for Battlefront, and halfway through a 30-second clip of Jabba The Hutt was shown with the message “Hutt Contracts”.
EA has outlined that the DLC expansions for Battlefront will run through 2016 and beyond with the Outer Rim expansion coming in March. Outer Rim will allow players to fight among the factories of Sullust and battle within the palace on Tatooine owned by Jabba the Hutt.
The latest free patch added Rebel Repot on Tatooine and a new Survival Mission. It also added Survivors of Endor to Supremacy, Turning Point and Walker Assault.
Star Wars: Battlefront launched in November 2015 for Xbox One, PS4 and PC with over a million copies shipped since then. Check out our review!
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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