Crysis 2
Crytek has delivered yet another remarkable first person shooter that has both beauty and brains.
Reviewed by Degtyarev on Mar 27, 2011
After the rise of so many incredible first person shooters can Crysis 2 live to it's potential? The answer is yes. The campaign starts off slow but gradually picks up as you get to the end. Starting from minor battles and infiltration missions to full scale war between humans and the Ceph. Throughtout you battles between the C.E.L.L forces and the Ceph you will be treated to incredibly looking game. Crysis 2 delivers in viscerals with fantastic lighting and details within the environment. As you go through the campaign you will see buildings fall, terrain alter, and incredible large scale fighting throughout New York City.
As you battle through C.E.L.L forces and the Ceph Every aspect of the gameplay revolves around the Nanosuit and it's three modes that include power, stealth, and armor. Each of these powers can be upgraded by accumulating nano catalyst from killing Alien hordes that now plague Earth. However these powers continually drain energy and you must learn to manage the rate your powers drain energy to ensure that you succeed in your mission. These missions consisting of both linar and sandbox areas allow the player to choose how they decide to tackle each objective.
The mutiplayer in Crysis delivers the same experience that other first person shooters also do. You progress through a experience system that you gain through playing matches and using specific powers. The modes you can choose from don't vary from other shooters such as king of the hill, team and solo deathmatch, and territories. Crysis 2's multiplayer is good but from personal experience I found issues of overpowered abilites and weapon attachments that probably will be fixed if the game continues to support a strong community. Overall Crysis is a fantastic game that deliviers both a solid multiplayer and campaign. The game has it's flaws but in the end it's a science ficition adventure that no one should miss.
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