Konami Confirms Silent Hill Rumors Are False
No, a reboot of Silent Hill is not in the works
News by Grayshadow on Mar 24, 2020
New troubling news rose about the rumors regarding Silent Hill being rebooted. Konami confirmed these rumors are not true.
A representative from Konami told RelyonHorror that “We’re aware of all the rumors and reports but can confirm that they are not true. I know it’s not the answer your fans may want to hear,” said the Konami US PR rep.
RelyonHorror made sure to clarify and Konamis stated that both the Silent Hills revival being pitched to Kojima Productions and the reboot being headed by SIE Japan Studio with Toyama, Ito, and Yamaoka also part of the project were not true.
Konami has stated they're not closing the doors on the IP but acknowledge the series is alive.
This may be disappointing for a lot of people. But remember Resident Evil 3 Remake is almost here. I know its not Silent Hills but its the next big survival-horror game for all us horror junkies.
Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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