Mass Effect Trilogy Unlikely to Happen, Instead Expect a New IP

Looks like Commander Shepard won't get the HD treatment

News by Grayshadow on  Sep 03, 2016

BioWare is currently hard at work making Mass Effect: Andromeda but at the same time EA Studios executive vice president Patrick Soderlund stated that the developers' is also working on a new IP.

Mass Effect: Andromeda,NoobFeed,BioWare,EA,

In an interview with Soderlund explained that the revealed is coming soon.

"I think it's about a balance, right? Making sure that we continue to push what great looks like for Battlefield or Fifa or Madden – or Star Wars, for that matter – while continuing to invest in something new."

Earlier this month Soderlund did hint at the possibility of an HD version of Commander Shepard's three-part journey.

Mass Effect: Andromeda is set to release in 2017 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.


Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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