Battlefield 2042's Getting A Small Amount of Fixes Tomorrow

New patch coming to Battlefield 2042

News by Grayshadow on  Jan 19, 2022

Battlefield 2042 is one of the most negatively received games in the franchise and in gaming. The title is surging with problems, comedic tones that match Epic Games' Fortnite instead of the gritty atmosphere of Battlefield, and is in such a poor state that even cheat manufacturers are refusing to support the game. A new patch is set to release tomorrow that is seeking to resolve a small amount of the large problems facing this game.

Battlefield 2042,NoobFeed,

Fixes, Changes, and Improvements



Fixed an issue where leaving a party during matchmaking could make the game unresponsive

Fixed an issue where connecting to EA servers after signing up with a new account would not work on the first attempt

Updated behavior of the quit button during gameplay so it now returns you to the correct screen

Fixed an issue where the loading music would stop playing during level load



Fixed a rare occurrence where after landing with the Wingsuit, hits wouldn’t always register on some parts of Sundance’s hitbox

Fixed occurrences of rubberbanding when running behind friendly players

Fixed a rare issue that could cause you to be stuck in both an alive, and downed loop

Fixed a variety of issues with attaching to ladders that could cause you to get stuck in a state where you could fly away or lose control of your Specialist

Fixed an issue where soldier movement speed was impaired by nearby explosions that spawned craters

Fixed an issue where camera shake and audio for landing would unintentionally trigger when dropping from very small heights

Fixed an issue where weapons from a Loadout Crate would sometimes inherit ammo from the previously selected weapon

Fixed an issue where being spotted when firing a weapon would spot you for too long



Added multiple fixes to improve overall game stability 

Fixed a rendering related crash that could occur for AMD Radeon VII users while Sundance was visible on screen



Sniper and SOFLAM scope glints now show from a further distance



Fixed an issue where passenger weapons would no longer be in sync whenever the driver’s turret would rotate, causing bullets to not register when firing at enemies

M1A5, T28 - improved the effective range and reduced spread on Canister Weapon Pod

Reduced Bullet Spread from 1.6 -> 1.1

Increased Damage Fall Off Distance from 35 -> 40


Battlefield Hazard Zone

Fixed a black rectangle being present on screen during Hazard Zone end of round when hitting quit at the level progress screen


Battlefield Portal

The Server Info tab now persists after hitting Refresh in the Portal Server Browser

Fixed an issue where text would overlap when joining a Team Deathmatch game during the end of round sequence

Rules Editor - the “IsInventorySlotActive” value now correctly handles melee weapons

Certain admin commands can no longer be spammed


As stated, Battlefield 2042 is in a terrible place. With Steam even offering refunds that go beyond its traditional refund policy. Many more fans of the franchise have returned to past Battlefield games. With Battlefield 1 and even the notoriously infamous Battlefield V seeing a surge in the player count because of the failures of Battlefield 2042.

Even if DICE and EA save this title as they did for Star Wars Battlefront 2 the damage has been done. Many felt betrayed given that some gamers paid over $100 to play the game early. 

Battlefield 2042 is now available for PS4, PS5, Xbox Series, Xbox One, and PC.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed

Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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