Darksiders III's Intro Video Reacquaints Us With The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse

Darksiders III is due out later this month.

News by Woozie on  Nov 19, 2018

It's not long now until Fury will be unleashed in Darksiders III. THQ Nordic has released the title's intro video, which reacquaints us with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The video establishes the four as Nephilim, spawn of Angels and Demons, who betrayed their own kind after making a pact with the Charred Council. The Council's aim is to maintain symmetry and balance in the universe, as the first Darksiders game established.

Although Fury is only given the stage towards the end of the video, she easily stands out as the most impatient and defiant of the four, valuing action over ceremony. The Council dub her as "the least predictable, dancing on the edge of her own reality" before the video ends with a question: will Fury "light the flame of creation anew or stomp out the embers for good?"

We'll find out on the November 27th when Darksiders III launches on PC, Xbox One and PS4.

Bogdan Robert, NoobFeed

Mates Bogdan Robert

, NoobFeed

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