LawBreakers Open Beta Announced

Get ready for LawBreakers' open beta

News by Grayshadow on  Jul 26, 2017

You can experience the open beta for Boss Key Productions' LawBreakers. The open beta will begin July 28th and end July 31st.

Lawbreakers,NoobFeed,Boss Key Productions,

The beta is available for pre-download right now and you have until tomorrow to download it. When the beta opens players can take part in 2 challenges, one available in the PC beta and the other in the PS4 beta.

The Early Bird Beta Contest for PC will task players to complete 3 matches in the first 4 hours, which starts at 7am PST. If successful you'll be entered to win a replica cosplay Aerator Rifle or Nvidia 1080ti Graphics Card.

The PS4 content has players taking a screenshot with the hashtag #LBBetaPS4 and #SkilledAF to be entered for the chance to win a custom PS4 Lawbreakers system. 

LawBreakers will release for PS4 and PC on August 8th.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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