Mass Effect Teaser Provides Cryptic Sequel Trailer

What's next for Mass Effect?

News by Grayshadow on  Dec 11, 2020

The next Mass Effect game is currently a mystery, and the recent teaser just added more questions.

Mass Effect 4,NoobFeed,BioWare,

The teaser shows what appears to be Liara walking through an icy planet and finding a piece of N7 armor. For those unaware, in the Renegade ending of Mass Effect 3 Commander Shepard appears to have survived the destruction of the Reapers. It's unclear if the next game will be Andromeda considering the title says "Mass Effect Will Continue" which is a strange choice of words.

Mass Effect 4,NoobFeed,BioWare,

Mass Effect is currently in development.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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