PS4 HDR Patch Will Be Free for Everyone

Thank you for clearing that up Sony

News by Grayshadow on  Sep 10, 2016

Today the internet turned into a mad house after an ambiguous statement regarding future HDR patches. After an interview with Game Impress Watch many took the statements made during the interview by Sony Senior Vice President Masayasu Ito when he stated that companies would charge money for these patches.

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Sony was quick to resolve this issue forwarding a direct statement to Kotaku confirming that Sony "Will not charge consumers for patches".

This is however still optional for game developers, Sony is not requiring developers to update visuals to 4K. Games that have already been released can receive an HDR firmware update if the developer chooses to do so. 

Source: Kotaku Game Watch Impress

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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