Resident Evil 7 Review from Famitsu Reveals Campaign Length

Spoilers beware here, Resident Evil 7's campaign length revealed

News by Grayshadow on  Jan 22, 2017

For those yearning to play Resident Evil 7 next week without any spoilers this is your last warning to close this tab, the campaign length was revealed by Japanese site Famitsu in their published review.

Resident Evil 7,Capcom,NoobFeed,

According to the review, the campaign is an average of 15 hours but most significantly Famitsu dedicated a large portion of the review to Resident Evil 7's amazing VR experience.

“This latest iinstallmentin the Resident Evil series adds an entirely new interactive horror element compared to previous games. The change between watching tapes found throughout the game and the actual game itself is seamless and really adds to the realism. The quality of the game increases when you put on the PlayStation VR!”

Currently, the VR experience is a timed exclusive for PlayStation 4 owners and with mediocre currently available for the PSVR Resident Evil 7 could become the first true PSVR seller.

Resident Evil 7 launches on January 24th for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

Source: Play-Asia (Translated with Google Translate)

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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