Sea of Thieves Introduces Competitive Mode with Content Update Called The Arena

Competitive mode coming to Sea of Thieves

News by Grayshadow on  Nov 11, 2018

Today, Microsoft revealed another update coming to Sea of ThievesA new mode called The Arena.

Sea of Thieves,NoobFeed,Rare,The Arena,

In The Arena rival pirates compete for loot in a large scale PvP arena. According to Rare’s Studio Head Craig Duncan and Executive Producer, Joe Neate players can choose to head into Adventure mode or Arena mode. The update will come early 2019.

Sea of Thieves launched back in March 2018 to a lot of negative backlashes. Many were annoyed by the game's lack of content, diverse challenges, and progression. Over time Rare has updated the game with new free expansions that the community has responded positively with.

Sea Of Thieves is now available for PC and Xbox One.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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