Spider-Man PS4 Features 1,000 One-Liners

Spider-Man brining his iconic charm to Insomniac's game

News by Grayshadow on  Apr 18, 2018

From all the recent footage of Insomniac's Spider-Man PS4, it's clear that the developers are fans of the hero. One characteristic many fans of Spider-Man know is his witty humor.

Spider-Man PS4,NoobFeed,Game Informer,

We know that this game will focus on Peter in an experienced light, trying to find a balance between being Peter Parker and Spider-Man while dealing with the struggles of life. Game director Bryan Intihar stated:

”He’s on the verge of becoming an adult, and he’s dealing with a lot of the things people at that age dealing with – student loans, trying to start a career, struggling with money – any number of things,”

Co-writer Christo Gage remarked on how they wrote a thousand one-liners for Spider-Man, with the core story being 3,333 pages long according to lead writer Jon Paquette. 

“There are infinitely more one-liners,” Gage says, comparing what he has written for assorted comics to writing for the game. Players will be spending a lot of time with Spider-Man fighting bad guys, after all. “This is not spoilery, but, for example, there is a thing where Spider-Man jumps into a fight between two other factions that are enemies of his and they’re fighting each other and he says something to the effect of, ‘Guys I know how to settle this – dance off,’” Gage says, “Imagine coming up with like one-thousand of those.”

In addition, a prequel novel was announced that will tie-in the game's story, coming this August.

Spider-Man PS4 will release on September 7th for PS4. Those who preorder the game will gain immediate access to 3 costumes, skills points, early access to the Spider-Drone, custom PS4 theme, and Spider-Man PSN avatar.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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